Monday, November 20, 2006

Day 15 - "It was a three way! An all Painter three way!"

I had to take a bit of time off from drawing (due to a handful of reasons), so here are a trio of images to help make up for it. The title of this post, however, is a little misleading - only two of the images were made with Corel Painter, and one was done in Sketchbook Pro with some Photoshop tweaking... I just couldn't pass up such a perfect opportunity to quote that specific line. If you know where its from, give yourself a cookie - if not, FOR SHAME!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Day 14 - I May Weep Openly

I dont have the faintest idea where this came from. Im not even particularly sad about anything.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Day 13 - Force Feedback

A Jedi taking on a Rancor beast by himself - not the brightest thing to do, but makes for an interesting picture

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Day 12 - I C U

I had to stop drawing, as I couldnt shake the feeling that I was being watched...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Day 11 - By Any Other Name

This time, its the Felt Tip Pen tool and some airbrushing for highlights. Its good to try new things ^_^

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Day 10 - I de-dun seen 'bout everything...

A work-in-progress sketch of a "Dragonfly"

Day 9 - Eternal Guardian

Messing around with the Marker tool in Sketchbook Pro (my drawing program of choice) - I apologize that the image is being posted a day late.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Day 7 - Haduken!

A Blood Elf mage from World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
If I were to color this image, I would make the fireball look far more impressive then it does now - thats more of a place holder then anything.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Day 5 - Dust and Bones

Mini-Death, with his pet/sidekick, Fraidycat

Edit: Not sure I like the names, would have to reconsider them if I ever decided to further develop this concept

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Day 2 - Widdle Sea Cweature

This time around we have the beginnings of a cute yet bored looking sea creature.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Day 1- The Evil Wizard

At the recommendation of others, I have decided to start doing the "Daily Sketch" thing. For those unfamiliar with this concept, I'm going to force myself to draw for a short time every day, and post the best image/images I come up with on that day. This not only gets me more into the practice of drawing, but also allows for others to comment on my work.My first daily sketch - a sinister looking wizard. No name or back story, just a rather unfrendly looking fellow that may or may not be contemplating destroying the universe as we know it. Not a bad piece for Day 1, but Im sure there will be improvement as this goes along.

See you all tomorrow!
