Thursday, August 05, 2010

Skulls and Vikings and Hamsters, oh my!

Looks like Im about due for another post here. Every two years, it seems. >_>

So anywhere, here is some of my homework from my Character & Object Design class. Im really enjoying working on the brown recycled paper, a lot more than I thought I would.

(Note: the hamster stickers were put there by the teacher to mark images he particularly liked. I guess Im doing a good job! hehe)
"The x-ray reveals your issue plain as day, Mr. Thompson. Theres a Hamster growing off of your nose."
One out of every two Americans suffers from Hamster On The Brain. Don't be another statistic.

Its like LLBean for Vikings

1 comment:

Amanda Orneck said...

It's a skull-shaped bustle for a goth-inspired hamster dress.